Sunday 7 April 2013



So since the last post I decided to share my blog online with the Reddit ladies on TFAB and BabyBumps.

I've been lucky yo have quite an increased number of views, and would hope that I have reassured someone or made someone feel a little better if they are in the same situation as I am.

Personally, since my last post I have contacted our community midwife service, and I was very fortunate to have been assigned the same lady as last time.

She was very helpful and very happy for us, and straight away asked us to go for an early scan anytime from 6 weeks.

The only space the clinic had available would be when I am 7 weeks and 4 days, so it would be perfect timing to see the little squidge.

We are still crossing our fingers, We are fully aware that we may have a perfectly healthy and normal scan, but before the 12 week mark something else could go wrong, because we don't know at what stage the last pregnancy stopped growing. We know I miscarried at 12 weeks, but they were unsure as to the timing of when it stopped forming.

Although I am actually feeling really positive, and I can't explain why, I just have a really good feeling about this pregnancy. My best friend said the same, last time we were both thinking something bad was going to happen, but this time its different, and we are very positive.

But the fact we are getting an early scan has slightly calmed my nerves a little. But as I have said a million times, I can't get my hopes up, all I can do it be as healthy as possible and do all the right things and give this our best shot and STAY POSITIVE no matter what.

Another development is that my best friend (who I don't think I have really mentioned much) is trying for a baby.

She started trying in January after my miscarriage - as it made her realise just how much she wanted one of her own, and she also thought she was pregnant around the same time, and was actually very upset when she found out she was not, again giving her the reasurrance that this is something she really does want.

Since then, I have been helping her, (Even though sometimes it was hard to deal with and talk about after my own loss, I love this girl n she would be happy for me no matter what) by advising her on timing and opk's and pre natels and such.

but sadly she has not had any luck, I know 4 months isn't long to be trying conventionally, but this lovely lady has some fertility problems, and after speaking with a consultant (she already had appointments about her ovaries and cycles before she was trying as she has NO cycles for years now) they refused to help her with fertility until she had been trying for a year.

Even then they said they would take a long time to do tests and guess cycles before putting her on something like clomid.

So basically it's not that she needs to have been trying for a year , because how can you try if you don't ovulate, it's that they needed her to WAIT a year.

So let's just say she was not in the best spirits.

Anyways as most of you probably know, there is nothing worse when you are trying for a baby, or having difficulties getting pregnant than your friends being pregnant, and even seeing strangers with their little babies.

So I felt just awful and guilty when she was telling me, n in tears and I could see her pain.

So I sucked it up n told her that we will sort it, and no matter what happens with either of us, WE WILL HAVE OUR BABIES!!

So we sat and talked and formulated a plan to get her on clomid earlier than the doctors will do, as that will solve the only problem she ovulation! So in theory, should give her a cycle and an ovulation AND hopefully....a pregnancy!

Anyhow, it's all a complicated game, no matter what point of it you are at.

All me and my partner can do now, is hope and prey (something which I don't normally do as I'm agnostic, but have found myself doing more often) and keep our fingers crossed, and what is meant to be, will be!

Hopefully I will have good news in a few weeks after the scan, so I will update then.

:) Here's Hoping! - Rosebud x

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