Okay, I have been FREAKING OUT about the scan and the past week has taken its toll on me.
We went yesterday and we were both a nervous wreck!
It didn't help I was crazy stressed anyways because my new car (which I had to buy even though we cant afford it because my old one was "dangerous") failed its m.o.t and needs a few hundred pounds of work doing!!
Anywho...We were stressed and nervous, and went to the clinic for the scan.
My midwife is lovely and seemed anxious for us and was being very supportive.
We went in and explained to the sonographer what happened previously n then she just got on with it.
At first we saw the sac, and I saw a little something inside it - so after last time, and after watching a million sonogram/ultrasound videos on you tube This was very exciting for us, but we were still waiting to hear off her.
So they asked me about my dates and worried me a little when they said it was measuring small - I said I should be 7 weeks and 4 days today and she measured up and said oh....its actually measuring 7 weeks and 3 days....YIPPIE!
I was so panicked that :
A. there would be nothing there.
B. If there was something there that they would be like HALF the size it should n have stopped growing or
C. I there was a baby there the right size that there would be no heartbeat.....
So She tried to then find the heartbeat, and struggled a little - After prodding me SEVERELY she found the flutter and it looked strong.
She then showed us the screen and pointed out the womb, and the embryonic sac and the yolk sac and the baby and the heartbeat.
A nice complete set :)
I couldn't believe it!!
Here is my little Blob - It's not the best quality, but the photo is clearer and the scan was even clearer than that!!
I asked what size the baby was - was it 11 mm or 10 mm? not possibly 12 mm and she said bingo - 12.1 mm - Then she jokingly offered me a job because I knew what I was looking for and was so prepared!
They printed our picture and we got up thanked everyone and went and sat in the waiting room to go over my file.
My best friend was there and I showed her the picture instantly and told her everything was fine - She was SO excited for us!!
Of course I explained to the midwife we are really really happy , but we cant totally relax until after the 12 weeks, and she said... oh darling don't be silly, you won't relax until that baby is in your arms!
She said You will feel better and you will learn to deal with each day but you're a mother now, and mothers always worry!
Shes such a little star :)
Anywho, Im really glad I have good news to tell, and hope to give :)
We told my family and they were ecstatic for us.
We are just now waiting another 4 weeks until our 12 week scan!
THEN we will know for sure we are doing okay! :)
The midwife is coming round next week to sort out some things and sign us up properly and then the waiting game begins!
I will of course update you and be keeping my fingers crossed!!
- Rosebud
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