Wednesday, 22 May 2013

11 week freak out!

Okay, It's that time in the pregnancy where I lost the last one. So I freaked out a little.

Last Friday I had some light spotting, and despite in my head knowing women spot sometimes, I went to the walk in centre for an ultrasound.

I honestly explained my symptoms to the docs and said more than anything my anxiety could not last another week for a scan to KNOW everything was okay.

So me and my bestie Pip went to this scan (with it being last minute Danny couldn't get it off work, and we were trying to be positive and he thought It would all be fine anyways!) And everything was, it was fine!

We had a trainee sonographer and an experienced one helping her.
The first thing she did was have a quick scan and within 15 seconds the experienced sonographer said..your baby is fine :)

So i was shocked and relieved and they could enjoy the scan!

They trainee then took some measurements and showed the experienced and then she was on her own and showed me the pic and the heartbeat and the wriggles!!

I couldn't believe it, the baby was wriggling! 11 week, and I know they move but I wasn't expecting that much wriggle hahaha

and the head....THE HEAD WAS HUGE! last time I saw a little blob, but this clearly looked more like a baby.

She said the baby was snuggled right at the back of the womb and she couldn't get a clear pic, but the pics were good enough!

Here is the Pic - the head is on the right and Baby is snuggled/curled up!


                     Here is a quicky 7 week to 11 week comparison!

            Annnd the sonographer took a pic of the baby face on....

       he looks like a little devil with horns and laser eyes!! haha

Anywho, After this I called Danny and told him everything was okay.

Now I feel like I can take on the world, I know it's still early but if everything is okay now im more hopeful for my 12 week scan which is Tomorrow :D

I really feel like I can now get excited for this pregnancy and really enjoy the journey.

So I will be back with my 12 week scan pics later this week.

Then more updated as and when I can :)

It's nice feeling happy instead of scared all the time. I hope you ladies reading this too can feel it with me! 

- Rosebudz

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Work, Fighting a Cold and Bump Worries!

Well Since the last post we have been eagarly awaiting the next scan, and just trying to get by one day at a time.

I had my booking appointment with My midwife, and she was lovely as ever.
Took some bloods - and had to go REAL deep to find a vein, which has never happened in my life! I've always been fine for giving blood.


We booked the 12 week scan in for 23rd of May and will go from there.

So now we are scared again, and inpatient and waiting is a bitch!

So Monday this week I returned to work - I work 12 hour shifts - and after about 3 hours I was getting slightly hot and bothered and feeling shakey.

I thought It may be thirst so I drank plenty of water and then still no better I had a bar of chocolate which helped.

I made sure I snacked all day to help.

Then after about 9 hours I felt REALLY ill and felt as though I needed to pass wind!! Very awful, but It felt trapped.

I suffer with this normally, and can take the pain, but I was scared and crying and a mess at work. I left ten mins before my shift ended and went home in tears.

A hot water bottle and a cry helped.

Then the next morning I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck.

I had a sore throat, blocked nose, and just felt terrible.

I emailed work and told them I was sick, and at the same time my boyfriend was also sent home from work sick! So we spent the day wallowing and being Ill together.

I have been drinking lots and LOTS of water and getting plenty of rest, and blowing my nose at every possible chance! It seemed to help it pass within a few days and Now I am back in work, although I would very much prefer to be in Bed right now.

Also along with the horrible head cold, I have been VERY uncomfortable for the past 2 weeks.

I normally sleep on my belly, but have been too uncomfortable to sleep like that, and tossing and turning all night and waking up a lot. generally a ratty sleep!

Also to top all of it off, I have been very bloated and had a hard belly, and had constipation for the first time in YEARS!

I was worried my belly bump had shrunk but realise it could just be wind passed or the fact I have now Pooped!! haha

I guess we will just find out on the 23rd! I refuse to by a pregnancy pillow until after the scan.

Until then I am now workin 3 x 12 hour shifts and sleeping in between and hoping the next 2 weeks go very quickly for us!

Uck. Sorry for the lack of positivity, just feel very rundown and in need of a break!

- Rosebud