Friday, 22 March 2013


For those of you who don't know the lingo - that means TWO WEEK WAIT, which is exactly where I am at right now. 

So after careful deliberation me and my other half decided we were going to try, and let nature take its course, so not OPK's no timing, just old fashioned baby making.

Obvioulsy I still have the love cycles app on my phone and it just happened to be perfect timing one day when we were trying.

So now I am waiting for next Friday - Easter friday, to see if I get my AF (Period/Aunt flow!)

It's a daunting thought, but we both want this, and it makes me smile thinking about it.

Plus im totally crazy already, and am
 convincing myself there are little signs.

We will see how it turns out but currently, I am sneezing ALL the time in the office, which I did last time, I am sleeping, constantly, like from 8pm until 7 am!! I want to eat caramels, and I HAVE NEVER liked caramel chocolate in my life! I would go as far as saying I usually hated it! and I am crying at nothing at all, maybe not as bad as it was when I was full blown pregnant and crying over a picture of a christmas pork crown in a magazine (I still have no clue as to why) but its still pretty emotional!

We will see how it goes, and I will certainly update you a little more regularly.

Half of me wishes I WAS pregnant, the other half is petrified that if I am, it will happen again.

But, nature will be! And we have to just let happen whatever is going to and what will be will be!